Story Structure Expert & Coach

Structure is the key to successful storytelling. Thousands of screenwriters, studios, producers, and spec writers have turned to Jill to cut to the core of what works and what doesn't in a script. By identifying this, they focus on what makes their individual voice and script unique, and it shows in the results.

You can work directly with Jill to get your script screen-ready.


For Studios and Production Companies

Some studios spend millions on multiple script rewrites, and still end up with flops there were doomed before filming. Others hire Jill to get the story right, right from the start.

Doesn't matter if the budget is $100 million or $100 thousand. Even brilliant writers and savvy producers often end up with a story that doesn't quite feel right. Jill Chamberlain works with some of the greatest talents in entertainment to make sure their concepts come out the way they and audiences want them.


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For Spec Screenwriters

You have an idea. You may even already have a full length script that you've sold. But it can be difficult to know whether your story is being told in the most riveting, affecting, and satisfying way.

That's when you need an outside perspective. And you might as well get it from a renowned story structure expert.

The Definitive Guide to Story Structure

Jill invented the Nutshell Technique to illustrate story structure essentials.  In 2016, she turned those techniques into a game changing work–a standout in the crowded field of screenwriting books.
